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- Estate Auction Saturday March 15th 2025 at the National Guard Armory starting at 10:00am
- I apologize for the mess up on my website on the coin list. I will have a list at the auction, my computer is doing dumb things.There is a large amount of high quality coins for this auction.
Estate Auction February 10th 2024, Starting at 10:00am @ the National Guard Armory
Saturday February 10th, 2024
TO BE HELD @ National Guard Armory
Concordia Ks,
Starting @ 10:00am
Auctioneer Note: This Estate auction is a very large antique auction
No Debit or Credit cards, A valid I.D. is required at this auction.
Miss Items: Aerolene oil sign, Circle lift clock, doll chair, wagon, vintage wood coca-cola box, Childs rocker, vintage wall phone, old desk lamps, old tricycle, small crocks, vintage radio tubes, gumball machine, Nebraska Atlas book, Die cast International combine, clock, sad irons, lady head vases, toy metal trucks, small butter churn, crock chicken water container, metal Texaco semi, vintage speaker, Sherwin Williams paint clock, old doctors bag, trunks, Esquire shoe polish stand, 1930’s ashtray stand, Breakstone metal sign, color wheel for a silver Christmas tree, Raggedy Ann dolls, silver Christmas tree, vintage pictures, large variety of hair care products, fire king coffee cups, pinball machine, metal Tonka truck, wood goose, Schlitz beer hanging sign, Hires thermometer, Breyer Bull, large metal chicken, cookie jars, galvanized metal bucket, Red Rider BB gun in the original box, matchbook collection, Hide a key sign, large pickle jar, Johnson 3hrs power boat motor, old Zippo lighters, Mountain Dew clock, old postage stamp machine, Pepsi Cola telephone, old lanterns, sponge ware pottery, Fiesta picture, Hires Root Beer clock, Coleman lantern, baseball cards, Case metal floor grate, Orange Crush sign, small 45 record player, carnival chalk, Tonka metal trailer, vintage metal mail box, cast iron pig oiler, Serta mattress sign, old movie theater sign, brass blow torch, cast iron tractor seat, 1960’s toy robot in the box, brass scale, flying model air plane kit, old fans, porcelain serving trays, Nebraska cornhusker clock, costume jewelry, 6 OH super deluxe wind turbine generator , large collection of marbles, wood for sale sign, pop corn machine, Tonka semi, Coors sign, Coors neon sign, tiffany lamp, McCormick corn sucker, old Halloween costume, Stihl180c Chain saws. Glass jugs, Phillips 66 thermometer, Elvis Presley records, structo farm toy, tractor lights, case floor grate, box of wood trim, bake light purse, crock bowls, beer taps, super Nintendo game in box, view finder and cards, old dental lamp, Weller pottery,
Auction Conducted & Clerked by Kearn Auction
Dannie & Dannie Kearn Jr. Auctioneers
Announcements Day of Sale takes precedence over any printed material.
All items are sold As Is with No Guarantee from Kearn Auction or Seller.
A valid I.D. is required at this auction. Call (785) 243-3773 or (785) 614- 2082 (If you would like to have an auction.) web site E-mail @